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Do you think we will find life elsewere in the Solar System


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Not a Poll matey just wondered what peoples views were on the subject :laugh:

Personally i think it could be soon rather than later esp with all this water being found through out our solar system. Id love to imagine some forms of life living under the planes/lakes of titan all be it in Microbiological form.

James :laugh:

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ok not exactly a poll

well heres what I think then its kinda well its a little hard to explain but I would love to think that life other than that on earth exists or did exist it will make my passing easier for me

not explaining myself very clearly there perhaps

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Hydrothermal vents have certainly changed the way we look at life and the way we look for it now so these Moons i would say offer the best chance Europa look's the part :laugh:.

.and for very primitive life, Manchester...
Oi! :laugh: :whip2: :laugh:
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thing is when they went to the moon and collected that old camera off the probe they found bacteria on it that had travelled to the moon from some three years previous in the form of a sneenze debris this was spotted on its return and re animated that proves that life can be hard to kill off so it should be easier to assume that to start life is not such a difficult thing

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...just planetary scientists trying to get funding of the government?

I'm beginning to think the same Gaz.

If it weren't for the publics fascination with finding life, would any of the Space agencies have recieved such enormous funding?

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I think that as long as theres liquid water then theres a good chance of finding microbial life. I think that more complex alien life does exist but that it's going to be a long distance away. Something like 99% of all life on the earth is microbes, I think that it's likely to be the same in space and other planets. The sheer weight of numbers says that there ARE intelligent aliens out there, but by the same measure they could be so far away as to not exist. Whereas our solar system is probably filled with microbes.

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I think we would be very naive to think we are the only life form in this Galaxy let alone the universe, But I very much drought that we will find it within the next 20 years. I would like to say we will find it and even more so within my life span.

Here's something to think about, We think of life as a birth, living period and a death. We think of plants being alive we even think as our planet Earth as being alive.

If we also turn our attention to our star the sun, can we not think of that as being alive? If so then we only have to look up in the night sky to see life which we have been doing for thousands of years.


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The question was 'in the solar system'.

Life in the solar system - No.

Life outside our own system - More than likely.

Will we see it within 20 years - probably not. The distances involved are too great.

But wouldn't it be cool if we did :laugh:

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