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Esprit 150 and Evostar 150 dual rig, would it work?


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A bit ahead of myself as I haven’t even got a permenant set up yet,  but when it comes the  initial setup will be an Esprit 150 and an Altair 102 APO. 

My question is that on the basis that aperture is king, would it make sense to sell the 102 and buy a 150 Evostar to pair with the Esprit, shooting luminance on the triplet and RGB on the doublet, or wait and save up a few more quid and get a second Esprit?


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I have a dual rig with non matching scopes and non matching cameras.  I have the smallest FOV camera in the largest FOV scope, and the largest FOV camera in the Smallest FOV scope and the resulting image FOV of each set up is pretty similar.  This also gives me the option of swapping the cameras around according to how big/small the target is using a single rig. 

I do need of course a decent registering software (I use Registar) to match the images when stacking.

Just a thought.



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The Evostar won't be as well optically corrected (SA and CA) as the Esprit by a long way, unless you get very lucky indeed. I don't know if that matters for your purposes ?

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I'd consider shooting the RGB in the 102 and luminance in the Esprit. You don't need the same degree of resolution in the RGB layer. With our dual TEC140 we are shooting RGB with a Moravian G3 8300 at 1.1"PP and luminance with an Atik 460 at 0.9"PP. The Moravian, of course, gives a wider FOV so we 'waste' some of its real estate. We resample its RGB upwards by about 20%, therefore, without issue in Registar. In narrowband I think that few OIII targets have highly resolved details so, again, you could do Ha in the 150 and OIII in the 102.

If you don't already have the cameras you might choose them either to bring the resolution of the 102 up close to that of the 150 or profit from the larger FOV in the same camera to try to get away without an expensive and heavy tilt-pan alignment device. 

Both L and RGB need good colour correction but at least with RGB you can refocus between filters.

Of course, in the grand SGL tradition of encouraging profligate spending and unbridled extravagance I have to say that two Esprits would be far better. I dare say Steve FLO will heartily agree!


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Thanks to everybody for the replies. As a collaborative venture with Tomatobro, there are two KAF 8300 cameras available for the project, with likely an Atik 460 to follow. Two Esprits would be the ultimate goal, and I could sell the Altair to help fund it, trouble is I want to keep it for a portable set up to  travel to decent dark sites. Thank goodness for the pension tax free lump sum option, might get a CFF TT RC as well  while I'm at it. ( I'm pretty sure Mrs Tomato doesn't read these posts:grin:)

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