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Galaxy Imaging in the WHITE light LED era?

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We now have the (dreaded) White LED streetlamps locally. I was taking a few EAA shots
of GALAXIES recently. Not sure if it has damaged my ability to reach "sky background"?
Entirely speculative, but noting the white LED spectrum, maybe a long pass Yellow filter
(Minus Blue!) may help. Most folks now do narrowband imaging? Pending experiment! ?

Naturally the typical "UHC" Filters concentrate on the Nebula HA and OIII  wavelengths.


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There is really simple way to deal with any LP if imaging. Just throw more total exposure at the target and at some point you will reach satisfying results. It might take a while, but you will get there. Maybe not this season, but next one ... or one after that :D


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2 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

Maybe not this season, but next one ... or one after that

Throw in the inclement UK weather and somewhere along the line you have to compromise and say enough is enough, I've got ongoing galaxy targets that I try to gather a bit more data every year but some years get none at all, luckily there's no shortage of targets and maybe I'll live long enough to finish one decent image.

Currently hopping around Virgo / Coma with the SCT when conditions allow.


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I'm thinking of getting one for the filter wheel in my new set-up, as even though I'm now in a fairly dark location, there's enough light pollution from Dorchester / Weymouth to the east and Bridport to the west to otherwise narrow the window of useful darkness. In both locations there appears to be a mix of LED and HPS.

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