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Auto guiding with an EQ5 and SynScan Goto


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Ok so I’m back on with my mount issues tonight and am seeking help from you lovely folk. 

My question is this. Can I auto guide with an EQ 5 pro mount with the go to conversation kit fitted? There is an auto guide port on the SynScan hand controller.

 The mount tracks  well for short exposures (no more than a minute) but for longer exposures and to do justice to the Esprit I’m going to want to auto guide. 

Or do I scrap it all and get a mount with an auto guide port. 

Thanks in advance for any advice Folks  



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What sort of guide camera do you have?

Do you use laptop to command your mount?

If you don't want to use laptop/computer for managing your mount - standalone auto guider is only option. Something like this:


Next option would be to get laptop/computer and suitable cable to connect to EQ5 mount. Here is cable that you will need (although there are other options as well, even DIY):


You plug that cable into laptop (USB) and other end instead of syncscan controller. You need to install ASCOM and EQMod, and your computer will act as your hand controller. You'll probably also need planetarium app like Stellarium or Cartes du Ciel so you can find object and tell your mount to go-to to it.

Once you do that, you have further two options for guiding. Depending on your guide camera and mount, you can use ST4 interface (maybe not an option for you because you say that SyncScan is only ST4 port for you?) or you can use something called pulse guiding (I believe it's better option).

For ST4 you need to connect your guide camera with ST4 cable to ST4 port on mount and guide application should be able to recognize this connection.

In case of pulse guiding - you don't need ST4 cable - ASCOM driver will guide mount via regular computer / mount link - you will still need guide camera and piece of software used for guiding - like PHD2

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Simple answer is yes, you can either, connect your PC into the hand controller, which you put into "PC direct" mode, it then becomes a dumb terminal between PC & mount. Or you can by-pass the hand controller and connect the PC directly to the mount, and control everything from the PC, this is the method I'd use.

Once the PC & mount are connected, you can then use the myriad of software to control, guide etc...


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Guys what a fabulous set of responses. Thank you so much. 

Vlaiv - I’ll be using a QHY111 290C coupled with the Skywatcher 50mm guidescope I’ll be buying (when stock is available). I’ll be using a laptop and PHD guiding software.

Right that’s the auto guiding sorted  just need to fix the Goto issues  

Thanks again


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