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Cheshire Collimator?

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I was wondering, I usually rely on a simple collimation cap and a star test for collimation, I have never used a Cheshire, should I invest in one? Would it make things any easier? Ultimately the star test is king I know, but for pre field star test collimation,is it better than a cap? I have no idea what I’m missing, or not.


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43 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

I was wondering, I usually rely on a simple collimation cap and a star test for collimation, I have never used a Cheshire, should I invest in one? Would it make things any easier? Ultimately the star test is king I know, but for pre field star test collimation,is it better than a cap? I have no idea what I’m missing, or not.


I got a cap and a Cheshire before the Dob, then, when the 'scope came, collimated it by eye, checked it with the cap, and now only ever use the cap to check the primary.  It just needs the occasional tiny tweak.  Star tests reveal good collimation, and I went up to x423 with the Moon recently and the view was very good (good seeing, good collimation).  Want to buy my Cheshire?  ?


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If you've got good results with the cap and star test, not sure the Cheshire would be an essential purchase, after all it's the star test that is all revealing, the tools just help to aid the axis of the eye.

I use my Cheshire (long tube Cheshire)  for collimating  if Ive upset the optics (removed) and rely on a  Barlowed laser for a quick test in the field.

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I use a Cheshire with my 250px solid tube, but it holds collimation ridiculously well - I basically never have to tweak the secondary!  I am a total convert to the plain simplicity and convenience of the barlowed laser method for collimating my truss dob in the dark.  I collimate every time, and both the primary and secondary get adjusted (I don't bother with labelling the poles - they just go in randomly ;) ).

Sounds like you're fine with the cap / star test... the barlowed laser is just pretty convenient in that you can see the error as you tweak the mirrors from each end of the scope - very little fuss.  I'm usually done in a minute or so.

I toyed with getting an autocollimator, but decided that I was fine for the moment - I might lose enjoyment and overly obsess. Maybe sometime!

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