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Bubble narrowband


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Hi Y'all,

Earlyish start last night and everything went really smooth. Clear, night, low guide errors and 11x10min subs in Ha (SXV H9/FLT110), no subs lost. This took me to the mount limit. Meridian flipped and swappoed for OIII and ran off another 11x10mins. Some tracking issues here and so used a PS plug in for star rounding and MartinbB's excellent tutorial for selecting a star layer.

Took the OIII and Ha and made an RGB with Noel's tools using Ha for R and G. Used said tools to synthesise a false green. After processing I layered in a new Ha process as luminance.

At the expense of a little noise I have tried to bring out the fainter bits.

I have spent ages on this and though I shall return the marraige will not endure any more time on this at present.

So, there you go 22x10min subs in total. Nice night.



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Hi Anthony , i do like this Narrow Band, it brings out some very nice detail , the only thing with this one is the stars , notice some hard blue Halo,s , hope u dont mind i had a play , but it may not be to your taste , just tell me to mind my own business lol , but is it better .



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The bubble surely is a nice target for narrowband. I did heaps of subs at it the other night with my 8" but I cannot seem get get anywhere near the level of detail you have here. Good work! It's a lot of work to keep the stars intact when trying to bring out detail in the DSO .-)

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Cheers Guys

Hey Rog, I see what you mean and i see what you have done. I am always happy for anyone to have a play with my images - others having a play as well as giving advice in the threads is valuable in terms of progressing.

I shall watch out for the halos. I reckon it has come about through my ignorance and inexperience of the separate star layer. I will keep an eye on it as I am going to have another go at this data later. I feel that I want to push it less and keep it smoother. It is hard to resisit when you can see that there is faint stuff within reach!


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