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Dead AVX. What next?


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Yesterday evening my AVX past away quietly so it looks like I'm going to spend the next few weeks sourcing part for the electronics ,whilst I'm in there I can have a play with the mechanical side. So I've decided to get another mount this isn't a sudden decision I've been think about this for a while and did buy a HEQ5 PRO second-hand but didn't enjoy using it(sorry to all who love them). I also own a cheap alt az with starsense tech built in which I use when I'm working away.

What next that's the question. I'm into video and astrophotography  theses days the back and knees don't lend themselves to stooping over and looking I've a pair of binoculars that I use when I need a visual fix ?,with this in mind are there any recomendations for a base mount. I should also add that all the present equipment is run remotely with a gigabytes bxi3 with win10, SGP,APT,Ascom and Sharpcap. I'm willing to try another Skywatcher mount but not HEQ5(SORRY lol), I did like eqmod.

A realistic spend would be a max of £1500 anymore than that and my personal financial adviser will probable insist I buy her something new as well.

Thanks in advance Ian

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32 minutes ago, Rob said:

How about a ioptron CEM60?

That would be nice but a little out of my price range at £1700 plus tripod I do need to keep it at £1500 thats my man cave money(wifes name for it).

Ive just started stripping the AVX good news is the motors seem fine and I cant see any burnt tracks/components and both hand controllers are ok, bad news is Im having to test each component. If it had dil holders on the boards Id have been tempted to do the drop test first ? but I dont think Im going to be that lucky.

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1 minute ago, wetwalker said:

That would be nice but a little out of my price range at £1700 plus tripod I do need to keep it at £1500 thats my man cave money(wifes name for it).

Ive just started stripping the AVX good news is the motors seem fine and I cant see any burnt tracks/components and both hand controllers are ok, bad news is Im having to test each component. If it had dil holders on the boards Id have been tempted to do the drop test first ? but I dont think Im going to be that lucky.

Fair enough, apologies. Plus they are none likely on the secondhand market. Man cave money - that's funny :) . Glad the motors & hand controller are ok on the AVX. Keep going, you WILL find the fault. Could be just something loose?. I think to be fair your also right / wise with the whole strip down & regrease MOT while at it!


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Thanks for the suggestions Rob no apologise necessary Im not really on a budget but the boss likes to think I am. Its a case of know your place and until she figures out where the secret stash is Im safe? 

So the fault is on the NXW455 motor board I dont think there are any stockists in the uk,Deep space products US stock the part for £186.88 inc intl shipping. Looking at the board there is smoothing using FDS4435BZ and voltage regulator using 17-33G these are functioning as expected so it looks like its a "Rubbish happens sometimes" scenario and for some reason its brain has blown out. Now the question is do I buy the parts and repair it, wait to see if  secondhand AVX  comes along, find an alternative solution or go to the pub this evening and order something new and shiny  just in case the clouds disapear.

I think pub later and ponder the eternal question "life the universe and everything"

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3 minutes ago, wetwalker said:

So the fault is on the NXW455 motor board I dont think there are any stockists in the uk,Deep space products US stock the part for £186.88 inc intl shipping. Looking at the board there is smoothing using FDS4435BZ and voltage regulator using 17-33G these are functioning as expected so it looks like its a "Rubbish happens sometimes" scenario and for some reason its brain has blown out. Now the question is do I buy the parts and repair it, wait to see if  secondhand AVX  comes along, find an alternative solution or go to the pub this evening and order something new and shiny  just in case the clouds disapear.

I think pub later and ponder the eternal question "life the universe and everything"

£187!.. ouch. You could speak with FLO. Or with Ed at Harrison Telescopes, see if you can source the part new/used maybe?.



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11 minutes ago, Rob said:

£187!.. ouch. You could speak with FLO. Or with Ed at Harrison Telescopes, see if you can source the part new/used maybe?.

Will give it a try but past experience ordering parts in UK usually incurs a premium when you factor in handling,customs,vat and re-posting but as you say worth a try.

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The same thing happened to me, fried motor board. I tried to isolate the problem but couldn't find it, so I ordered a new one (also had to order a dec upgrade kit since my AVX had the old 6-pin layout) from the US.

Pricey, but atleast it works again. Good luck


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That was bad luck Patrik I think the extra Dec board added a extra $100 ouch

Fortunately the AVX has the 8 pin board fitted so it doesn't need the Dec upgrade. I do have a lot of extra kit invested in the AVX like starsense,GPS and extra auxiliary ports but I've been seriously thinking of having a change so maybe this is the push I need. I've had an email from across the pond and the board I need is not a stock item so it will be a few weeks before it arrives if I order now.


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3 hours ago, newbie alert said:

Shame to hear about your avx..what did it do just stop,or was it messing about for a while?

Was working fine I had  just set up to test some new gear it stuck on initializing I tried re-flashing using cfm but it was just showing 1 device I re-flashed the hand controller still nothing.

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Do you want the electronics from inside my AVX?  Mine died mechanically a few months back and it is now just sat up in my loft doing nothing.  There was nothing wrong (that I can tell) with the electronics side so more than happy to rip it apart, stick it in a box and send it on.

Let me now

I went with an EQ6-R as a replacement and am very happy with it

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21 hours ago, Shelster1973 said:

Do you want the electronics from inside my AVX?  Mine died mechanically a few months back and it is now just sat up in my loft doing nothing.  There was nothing wrong (that I can tell) with the electronics side so more than happy to rip it apart, stick it in a box and send it on.

Let me now

I went with an EQ6-R as a replacement and am very happy with it

Thanks thats a very nice offer sorry For not replying sooner for some reason I missed your comment.

Ive been looking at the AZ EQ6 GT the EQ6 looks like a nice bit of kit.

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