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Entering the realm of Doubles


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For decades, the realms of Double and Multiple stars were a blind spot for me. Concentrating, under dark  (21 mag+) skies, on galaxies, galaxy clusters, planetaries, globulars, comets etc., I was looking somewhat pretentious at double star observing, as a substitute for stargazers under urban light polluted conditions. Albireo, the Double Double and Alamak, I'm ashamed, formed the lonesome trio of objects for many years; Keid (Omicron 2 Eridani) was added  some years ago for the White Dwarf in it, as was Sirius B with the 18" - a real challenge. About a year ago, due to slowly deteriorating observing conditions (often high haze or thin clouds) I was by and by rediscovering the Doubles as favourable objects.

After Stu's post last Tuesday on spotting Pi Aquilae with the 5.1" Skywatcher Heritage 130 P Flextube, things are beginning to change. I was able to split Pi Aql several times with my 130P, and added Gamma Delphini and Gamma Arietis (much easier) to the list. I'm still struggling with Delta Cygni, which only in moments of very good seeing seems to reveal it's double nature. Two nights ago, I had my first look at Iota Cassiopeiae, and was fascinated. At 183x with the 130P, a wonderful triple star with a white primary, and two yellow(ish) companions 7" east and 2.5" SW, clearly split with a pitch dark gap. I found myself returning several times to this marvellous view, that I had despite some bypassing thin clouds; and I'm glad, that my list of targets has enlarged considerably (and will certainly do further on). There is always something new to discover in the sky... (minor planets; spectroscopy - who knows, what's next - ? ? ).

Thanks for reading


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Good report Stephan - I love my Heritage 130P although I must admit I have not used it that much on doubles. The Heritage is currently set up because it forecasts clear spells tonight. I was going to observe the Moon tonight with the binoviewers but I might take in a few doubles as well.

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Great report! For years I snubbed doubles. After all they're just multiple stars. Then one night I figured I'd give it a shot to see what all the hoopla was about. Double double and Alberio later ,I was hooked! All the beauty I had been missing for years. Now it's not unusual for me to throw in a double or two on my target list when I go out. 

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It’s a great object type to be going for and very rewarding.  I think it’s natural to neglect them at first but once found, you’re hooked!  Binaries present all the facets of other observing such as challenges and exquisite views.  And being largely immune to LP does help :) 

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On ‎19‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 15:11, Nyctimene said:

with the 130P, a wonderful triple star with a white primary, and two yellow(ish) companions 7" east and 2.5" SW, clearly split with a pitch dark gap. I found myself returning several times to this marvellous view

Nice report Stephan, that SW 130p flextube is really a nice little scoop. 

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On ‎19‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 15:56, Mark at Beaufort said:

I love my Heritage 130P although I must admit I have not used it that much on doubles. The Heritage is currently set up because it forecasts clear spells tonight. I was going to observe the Moon tonight with the binoviewers but I might take in a few doubles as well.

@Mark at Beaufortyou use a binoviewer on the 130p flextube?

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13 hours ago, Eastman said:

@Mark at Beaufortyou use a binoviewer on the 130p flextube?

Gert yes I do use binoviewers on the Heritage 130P but its not that easy. First I need to move the tubes slightly inward towards the primary mirror. Then I use a Baader 2.25X barlow to gain sharp focus. It may not be sensible but I don't secure the binoviewers with the barlow securing screw otherwise the binoviewers twist around when moving the focuser.


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