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A few quick Milky way shots from Kelling Heath

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Just got back from a little escape to Kelling Heath with the family. We stayed in a great lodge and got up to all sorts of natural science activities from astornomy to fossil hunting. I think we all had fun and I'm pleased that I managed to get a little bit of astronomy done with the bins and some wide field shots with my palm sized camera.... this is all I had room for in the car! ?

These are single 30 second shots straight out the camera using my Canon EOS M3 and 22mm prime lens. No processing of any kind, just jpegs but I have the RAW files too. I didn't have any kind of conventional tripod to take on holiday to Kelling Heath so ended up balancing my camera on the natural surroundings pointing up at the sky! This worked well and was kind of fun, I just flipped the screen up and gently touched the screen to take the shots (You can set the EOS M to take photos via the touch screen which is a great feature). 

No orange glow in sight! lovely :) 

Also doing a video diary of my time at Kelling. Part one below if anyone want's to check it out. It's much harder to talk on camera than you think, lots of "erms?" lol 







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9 minutes ago, RobertI said:

Superb Chris, the shots are amazing for 30 seconds and the video brings the whole thing to life.  Thoroughly enjoyed. ?

Thanks Rob :) I've heard about the skies at Kelling for so long now, so glad I've finally got to witness them. We'll be going back :)  

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13 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

Nice video Chris. Pity no room for the the Tak FS60. Couldn't you leave one of the kids behind next time to make room for it?  ?

Thanks Jeremy, well my wife did offer to have the 100p on her lap all the way to Kelling, but I didn't have the heart to agree to it :grin: We shouldn't need the double push chair for much longer so hopefully that's gone by the time we go again, that should make a lot of room then the Taks going instead :) 

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Nice shots Chris. Well done! :) I’m off to Kelling for the September star party this year with my brother, so nice to see what the skies are like. Will see if I can get similar shots of the amilky Way with my Canon EOS 4000D. The WiFi feauture on it to take shots makes it a doodle to do from either my iPad Air or iPhone. :) 

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8 minutes ago, Knighty2112 said:

Nice shots Chris. Well done! :) I’m off to Kelling for the September star party this year with my brother, so nice to see what the skies are like. Will see if I can get similar shots of the amilky Way with my Canon EOS 4000D. The WiFi feauture on it to take shots makes it a doodle to do from either my iPad Air or iPhone. :) 

Thanks Gus, have fun in September and make sure you take a Tripod lol I'm yet to try Canon's wi fi control, I'll look into that if it's on my M3? :) 

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