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Archenhold 27" Refractor Telescope


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Watched the Jim Al-Khalili program on "Quantum mechanics" (again!) recently.
There are always parts I didn't spot... probably fell asleep during etc. ?

But my Inner Astronomer was fascinated by the Archenhold Telescope (Berlin)! 
A splendidly "Steam-Punk" construction?!? lol. Apparently it has been made to
work again too. D=27";  f=69 ft! Gives a (fixed) magnification of about 200x ?



One of these "interesting" telescope designs that allow the observer to remain
in one position as the telescope moves? Such a thing was/is ever in my dreams! ?

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3 hours ago, Macavity said:

D=27";  f=69 ft! Gives a (fixed) magnification of about 200x

But why make it so long if they only wanted 200X. Surely about 25 ft  (f11)  would have been plenty.

It is a beast though.

I bet you couldn't drive that with a couple of NEMA17 stepper motors & an Arduino. ?

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I must admit to a certain yearning to look through one of these HUGE scopes.
I got "200x" from a German Astronomer (Tourist) report but it was "closed" for
active viewing on that day / night? I infer the eyepiece was f=100mm, but the
exit pupil still a rather reasonable 3.5mm? I suspect the FoV was rather small. ?

There are quite a lot of old refractors with objective Diameter ~24" but indeed,
most (but not all) tend to be more... f/9 through f/15 rather than an f/35 (69')! ?


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