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The August  edition of the Binocular Sky Newsletter is ready for download. In addition to the usual overview of DSOs, variable and double stars, highlights this month include:

* Uranus and Neptune
* Some tricky lunar occultations
* Mini-Review of the 'Ukranian parallelogram' mount
* A couple of Mira variables near maximum

We have astro-darkness back (except in the extreme north) so grab your binos or small telescope and use this guide to enjoy, and share with others, what the night sky freely offers us this month.

To get your (free!) copy, or to subscribe (also free) and receive it monthly, please go to http://binocularsky.com and click on the 'Newsletter' tab.

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Hi Steve

The comet 21P in Cassiopeia might be possible to see in 15x70s.  I observed it last night in a 4" refractor at 19x and it was a reasonable small smudge.  I thought it was a bit brighter than 9th mag. In good conditions, with the comet brightening, possibly even 10x50s soon.



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13 minutes ago, andrew63 said:

Hi Steve

The comet 21P in Cassiopeia might be possible to see in 15x70s.

Thanks for the heads-up. I wasn't able to see it in the 20x80 a few nights ago (user incompetence?), but I'll keep an eye on it. Intended for September, when it should exceed +7.5



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On 01/08/2018 at 13:32, andrew63 said:

The comet 21P in Cassiopeia might be possible to see in 15x70s.

Had it in 16x70 early this morning; easy with AV, possible with DV. Then it just disappeared. Turns out that the Moon was just rising. ?

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On 03/08/2018 at 11:27, BinocularSky said:

Had it in 16x70 early this morning; easy with AV, possible with DV. Then it just disappeared. Turns out that the Moon was just rising. ?

Last night I tried again, and it was easy in 16x80, and possible with direct vision in various sizes down to 8x42 (the smallest I tried).

Hence this chart + thanks to @andrew63 for getting me moving on this. ?


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