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Equatorial platform for Skywatcher 200 dob

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At the end of last year, the Sky at Night magazine had some articles describing how to build an equatorial platform for a dobsonian, to allow you to track targets across the sky due to the earth's rotation. However, I found the articles too brief as a set of instructions to build from.

Anyway, I've now built it (with a little extra help from Mark Parrish, the extremely helpful SaN designer).  Once I'd figured things out, I was able to adapt the design to the Skywatcher 200P. I've tested it tracking the sun, and to my amazement it actually works pretty well too!

To help anyone else thinking of building it, I've chronicled the details in the attached file. It should save you quite a few hours and mistakes, hopefully.



Building the Sky At Night Equatorial Platform.pdf

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Thanks I have an EQ plateform project in mind too, for a dobson based I don't have already. ?

I'll actually spend the time reading your document you published there, it looks complete too wow, thank you very much.

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  • 4 months later...

Excellent job Julian. I was actually considering attempting to build one based in the S@N article, but ended up buying one instead. Perhaps with your instructions I would have given it a go! A really good resource for others wanting to do this, thanks.

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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Excellent job Julian. I was actually considering attempting to build one based in the S@N article, but ended up buying one instead. Perhaps with your instructions I would have given it a go! A really good resource for others wanting to do this, thanks.

Which one did you buy Stu?

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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, Gurj said:

Hi All,

Does anyone still have access to the Sky at Night hosted files referred to in the excellent document shared by @Nebula above?

I have the same 200P telescope and plan to build a platform. I'm still not decided between circular sections and VNS (using http://www.reinervogel.net/index_e.html?/Plattform/plattform_VNS_e.html excellent guides).



Trouble is they will be copyright to Sky at Night so really you would need to source as back issues.

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Hi Gurj,

I had trouble locating the files but finally found a link under 'step 1' on the Sky at Night webpage: https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/advice/build-a-dobsonian-equatorial-platform/.  I've spent the afternoon taking measurements from my 12.5" Dark Star and I'm about to settle down with Julian's notes before ordering materials.  best wishes, Guy

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