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A LRGB image of M106 with an Ha blend into the red channel.

Along with the main galaxy (M106) and NGC4248 (bottom right), quite a few very distant galaxies can also be seen in the background.  M106 is quite bright in Ha, so I decided to blend 6.5 hours into the red channel to obtain a more structural detail.

The total image integration time was just under 16 hours and was taken with my Esprit 150.





LIGHTS: L:14, R:14, G:13, B:15 x 600s, Ha:13 x 1800s, DARKS:30. BIAS:100, FLATS:40 all at -20C. 

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Love the details in center and your choice of colors. I am sorry to say but my opinion is as I have been learned in this hobby is better to lie than telling what you really thinks.

I hope you respects me after saying that your picture has great potentinal, I cant create it myself. But the fact is that the image is fuzzy all over but the center.

Maybe some changes in the processing could fix it ? Else kill me.


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16 hours ago, fireballxl5 said:

Very nice picture!

Thanks, I'm pleased that you liked it ! :happy11:

14 hours ago, Barry-Wilson said:

Great image & colour balance Alan, especially the emerging detail in the outer arms.

Thanks Barry  :hello:


14 hours ago, Ceph said:

Love the details in center and your choice of colors. I am sorry to say but my opinion is as I have been learned in this hobby is better to lie than telling what you really thinks.

I hope you respects me after saying that your picture has great potentinal, I cant create it myself. But the fact is that the image is fuzzy all over but the center.

Maybe some changes in the processing could fix it ? Else kill me.

Thanks for the comment Ceph. I'll reinspect the numerous background fuzzies for excessive fuzzyness ! :happy8:


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