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Quick Jupiter observation.


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I finished last night off with Jove. Yes it’s still low but the seeing had improved slightly from earlier and at 120x with patience I observed 2 barges on the NEB or were they festoons, not sure.

Then GRS coming around the limb. Very nice indeed plus the four Galilean moons putting on a splendid show. Jupiter may not be at its best but still worth a look. 

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Yes, it’s not looking bad is it John? I had a good look on Friday night up until 1am ish and was getting some good detail coming through. Pretty sure I saw a festoon dropping down from the NEB

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15 minutes ago, Stu said:

Yes, it’s not looking bad is it John? I had a good look on Friday night up until 1am ish and was getting some good detail coming through. Pretty sure I saw a festoon dropping down from the NEB

Festoon it is then. Maybe. 

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1 hour ago, johnfosteruk said:

I first spotted them at 00:34 Alan. One on the meridian, the other half way between meridian and preceding limb. GRS started to appear about 40 mins later

You are a later observer than myself then,
I am a evening up to midnight observer.

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12 minutes ago, Alan White said:

You are a later observer than myself then,
I am a evening up to midnight observer.

I keep very strange hours, I hate it when I do have a late one and I sleep in the next day though. I was up till 3 and didn't wake till about 11 this morning. I was hoping to get some solar done but while it was clear when I rose, by the time I was ready to set up it was cloudy!

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On ‎22‎-‎4‎-‎2018 at 13:44, johnfosteruk said:

Jupiter may not be at its best but still worth a look

True, I didn't had a look at Jupiter for a long time, nice to see the GRS. 

So thanks for the report, makes me want to visit my favourite planet again.

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