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Double Delights - Lyra, Camelopardalis


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8SE - 4.45pm - Vega appeared, I aligned on that.  Soon after, did a GoTo on Struve 2470 (using the SAO designation in the handset), and it appeared in the EP along with Struve 2474.  These two are a nice couple of pairs like two short parallel lines, with the brighter of each pair uppermost.  They constitute Lyra's  "Double Double's Double" (with thanks to Turn Left At Orion for the reference), and the pairs are not as close as those in Epsilon Lyrae (the better known Double Double).  They do look good, even though the pairs in this case are not associated with each other, and 2470 might just be an optical  pairing.  x48 used, then x113 for a clearer view.

I was pleased to see this so clearly considering that still only Vega was visible, naked eye.

For accurate GoTo in a different region, I then aligned on Capella and Mirphak.

NGC 1502 open cluster in Camelopardalis - loose, several stars (many in pairs), very pretty, at the end of the Kemble's Cascade asterism, which comprises some two dozen stars going north in a line, with the 4.95 mag HIP 18505 star near the centre.  The 1.34 deg FOV was not enough to see the whole show at once.

1 Cam - a close double, separation 11 seconds of arc. 

A 841 Cam - a 2+1 multiple seen as a visual double - the faint companion, 48 soa away was easily spotted at x48.

Beta Cam - brightest star in The Giraffe - clear companion noticed, also a closer, fainter star, seen with AV.

After three hours, I finished with a few favourites using the Sky Tour feature - 

M36 Pinwheel Cluster in Auriga - dense, many brighter stars;

M37 cluster in Auriga - also dense, but with fainter components - good at x48, better at x85;

Double Cluster in Perseus - never ceases to delight, easy to find, always worth another look!



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Nice one Doug. NGC1502 is  a lovely little Cluster, a favourite of @NGC 1502 no doubt :) 

Kemble's Cascade is fab in either binos or a widefield scope under a dark sky, one I often visit when I get a good opportunity.

I think Cotterless45 brought the Double Double's Double to my attention many moons ago, well worth re-highlighting as it is another cracker.

Racking the sessions up Doug! Good stuff :) 

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Thanks Neil @Littleguy80 - Yes, doubles are good, with much of interest (esp. after obtaining the Cambridge Double Star Atlas).  Lots of fun, interest, and variety, and generally easier round here than fuzzies!

Thanks also John @johnfosteruk and Stu @Stu - Yes, Kemble's is better all at once; I had to pan across it.  I have seen it in the ST120 where it looks really good.



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34 minutes ago, cotterless45 said:

NGC 1501 ( the "blue oyster") is next to NGC 1502,

I noticed 1501 on SkySafari when having a look after reading Doug's report. Haven't seen it before, will add it to my ever expanding list!!

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14 minutes ago, Stu said:

I noticed 1501 on SkySafari when having a look after reading Doug's report. Haven't seen it before, will add it to my ever expanding list!!

I too have benefited from Nick's comment (thanks, Nick!) - just found I've been missing out on potential targets by having the Hints slider on Stellarium set too low.  Doh!


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