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Ascom driver for Heq5 pro synscan


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Morning all

Having tried using the st4 cable to control Heq5 pro mount with Qhy5ii mono for guiding and getting it going ok i started to look at using Ascom so I can plate solve with my Atik imaging camera.Could anyone advise me on what I need to download from Ascom and what is the best driver for my mount (i already have some downloads  from setting up Qhy5ii I think but am not sure what is working if anything)is there any way to test so I am set up next time it's clear and I don't just go back to the st4.Also I saw someone mention on here they use the st4 for guiding but Ascom for imaging camera..trying to work out easiest option first. Many thanks.



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Both the Skywatcher ascom driver and the EQMOD ascom driver will work with your mount. The advantge EQMOD has over the skywatcher driver is the provision of many extended mount control funcitons (limit protection, PEC, pointing model, gampad control, audio promts etc.) that fall outside the scope of what ASCOM itself provides. That said the extened funcitonality that comes with EQMOD, has a learning curve associated with it - the sykwatcher driver is much simpler. Whilst ASCOM will give you the option to loose the ST4 cable and instead guide via "pulse guiding" there is nothing stopping you from guiding via ST4 if that is your preference. Yor choice of guiding method should not affect the abiliy to use ASCOM as part of platesolving and getting the mount on target.

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45 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

You can just download the Skywatcher ascom mount driver link. You will also need to update your handset firmware to v3.38 or v4.38 for the v4 handset

Can I ask how this differs from EQMOD/ EQAscom, with this option is a cable fitted from the second port on the Handset and then to PC or does this one also bypass the handset completely and go straight from mount to PC, and if the later, how do you actually control the mount...?? :)

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EQMod is a stand alone programme which allows you to control a Synscan EQ mount without needing to use a handset, the handset being replaced by an EQDir module. The driver I linked to is used to control a Synscan mount through a planetarium programme such as CdC or guiding software when you don't desire to use EQMod. The link to the mount, in this case, is through the handset via the normal serial data cable.

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At least the Skywatcher Ascom (Mobile version) gives you the ability to connect to your mount via a network(TCP/UDP) WITHOUT a TTL/RS232/USB Adapter (e.g. EQDIR)  - especially since Microsoft have abandoned Windows Mobile - so you can control your mount in the "field" with very little "add ons"(Phone/Skywatcher Wifi Adapter/Battery) - you don't even need Ascom/Eqmod just an Android Phone (correct OS version) and the SynScan Pro App + Sky Safari (optional) - I only omit the Iphone as this needs 2 Skywatcher SynScan Adapters to work with the SynScan App.

The Mobile version does give you PEC/Polar Alignment but does not offer Eqmod's N-point alignment(only 1,2 or point alignment) or Eqmod Pulse guiding. Also Ascom/EQmod/Skywatcher do not provide Platesolving they control the mount which the Platesolving Software may be able use to send "Mount controls" to alter RA/Dec - As Astrotortilla/Platesolve2/All Sky Platesolver etc do  but is not limited to Eqmod!

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10 hours ago, Cornelius Varley said:

You can just download the Skywatcher ascom mount driver link. You will also need to update your handset firmware to v3.38 or v4.38 for the v4 handset

Great thanks Peter, i've just downloaded it and a good manual.Moving in the right direction again :icon_biggrin:

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9 hours ago, chrisshillito said:

Both the Skywatcher ascom driver and the EQMOD ascom driver will work with your mount. The advantge EQMOD has over the skywatcher driver is the provision of many extended mount control funcitons (limit protection, PEC, pointing model, gampad control, audio promts etc.) that fall outside the scope of what ASCOM itself provides. That said the extened funcitonality that comes with EQMOD, has a learning curve associated with it - the sykwatcher driver is much simpler. Whilst ASCOM will give you the option to loose the ST4 cable and instead guide via "pulse guiding" there is nothing stopping you from guiding via ST4 if that is your preference. Yor choice of guiding method should not affect the abiliy to use ASCOM as part of platesolving and getting the mount on target.

Thanks  Chris,much appreciated..i think the Skywatcher driver will be sufficient for now.Just after keeping things simple

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