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Rosette Nebula - Thoughts Please

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2 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

The trick with DBE is not to be too set on placing lots of markers. In this image you'd be doing well to get more than four in place, I'd say, but four will do fine. I often use only four or five, but very carefully placed and weighted. Another key 'check' on DBE is to look at the gradient model before accepting the modification to the image. The gradient model should, when stretched (Ctrl A) show no sign whatever of any structure resembling the target. It's the gradient you're after, not the object.


Thanks again Olly, I'll give it try.

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7 hours ago, steppenwolf said:

Someone really ought to write a book about this sort of stuff ......

Wait a minute. I thought your latest creation was for PS. But if it's for PI I might actually put it on my Xmas wish list. :grin:

@richyrich_one: great image. I like v1, even with the red background. But you do have rings around the stars. Did you use deconvolution or star reduction with 'erosion'?

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9 hours ago, steppenwolf said:


You've done fine! In fact for such little integration time you've done more than fine!! I use PhotoShop  and a new (and excellent!) plug-in by Noel Carboni called AstroFlat. The exact process was:-

1. Duplicate your image to create a new layer

2. Apply the Filter Plug-in Astroflat

3. Fine tune the adjustments

Gotta love PhotoShop and its plug-in support!

Steve, I had not heard of Astro Flat, so I looked it up and it seems great but it is not available for Mac yet.....:sad:

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On 30/11/2017 at 20:32, steppenwolf said:

Nope, that'll be book three ........... :D:book1:

I trust it will be written in a runic script going from lower right to upper left using black ink on black paper, have a title like Interpolated Spline Bipolarity Calculus Masking and be written under the pseudonym Unsigned Integer...

Put me down for three copies! 


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10 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Put me down for three copies! 

Surely you mean 3.000000 copies?

And back on topic...what a difference the new DBE has made. I don't mind a little star ringing. It's only noticeable effect (unless you pixel peek) is that it makes the stars pop. Not a bad thing.

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