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Elephants Trunk Nebula in Narrowband

Skipper Billy

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Imaged the Elephants Trunk Nebula last night - 3 hours Ha, 2 hours Sii and 2 hours Oiii -all in 300 second subs. ES 208mm f3.9 astrograph, Atik 460 EX mono camera, Baader narrowband filters in Atik EFW2, guided with ST80 and Lodestar using PHD2 mounted on a SW AZ-EQ6-GT. Fully calibrated with Darks, Flats and Bias and processed in Pixinsight. https://www.flickr.com/photos/113316085@N05/38390677691/in/album-72157675109735132/ 


elephants trunk jpeg.jpg

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