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canon RAW white balance


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Displayed and debayered with what? Something has to convert from RAW to those nice coloured pictures, and are you sure it didn't use the colour balance setting in the RAW header to do it? If you looked pixel by pixel at an un-converted RAW frame it would be greyscale with a chequerboard pattern.


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11 hours ago, alacant said:

Hi. No idea... I took them from the camera and displayed them in the default windows viewing app. You can see the same effect on the camera lcd display.

If you use a RAW converter you will see that most settings like WB are not fixed, it's possible to apply any WB to a RAW.
You will also see that a RAW is a very dark, especially AP photos, and a curve is applied so it's possible to see whats captured.

Straight photo viewers will apply settings from the RAW metadata, apply a curve and process the image but most of this is out
of your control. Most viewers will get it about right but you have no control over the end product.

If your happy with what you see on the camera LCD, just shoot jpgs but you have little control afterwards.
If you want full control shoot RAW and use a RAW converter, ACR aka Adobe Camera RAW, or if you shoot Canon
and want it free, just use DPP aka Digital Photo Pro. DPP comes with the camera or download the latest version.

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