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M31 you never see again

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After a about 8 weeks try to got every thing running again . clear night all going well 2 hours on M31 9x 500S lum 5x 500 S  R/G/B, and somthing  not right in the camera data . So just for fun I ending up with this. PS I am no good at imaging that way I do not do it.

odd M31.jpg

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Not sure about RGB etc as I use a Full Colour camera. This type of image I get when light polution gets in the way. I use a IDAS light polution filter to over come this effect.

Maybe someone with more knowledge will be able to confirm or ...

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Nothing much amiss with your Image.   I've seen much worse than this.                 Mastering the processing is key to presenting the finished article.   You mustn't despair, or throw the towel in. Also dispense with the negative attitude, it won't help.  I'm looking to embark on the the Imaging journey myself this dark season, and I expect to find it difficult.  The amount of help available on SGL, is there to be asked for. These guys won't shy away from providing assistance for you. Just have to ask.


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1 minute ago, Starlight 1 said:

I it may be I was playing with the camera setting in SGP as it was taking the images  at it never done this in the pass . (So I just work this one out (STOP PLAYING WITH CAMERA SETTING )

lol Very funny. :p

Yeah, once its working, stand way back. DONT TOUCH A THING!! 

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Hi. Try to remove the lp. This wf is for GIMP 2.9, but I'm sure PS will do the same:

  • Duplicate layer
  • select the new layer
  • move it to the top
  • blur the top layer (there are different blurs but Gaussian is a good starting point)
  • Subtract from the original (start at say 50% opacity)

HTH and clear skies.

EDIT: Oops. Just re-read this. I think 'PS' is not implying what I had originally thought. Sorry!


PS I am no good at imaging that way I do not do it.


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