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Baader vs Solarix film


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I appreciate there are many different types of film available, but a quick google typically shows up two.

I opted for the Explore Scientific Solarix over the Baader AstroSolar for two reasons, a few quid and a few mm.

Having received but not yet opened it, I've just read a couple of reviews online which suggest the Solarix has an orangey colour while the Baader gives a white disc. I also read that the loss of spectrum might be an issue with the Solarix.

Not many hits searching for Solarix on here.


Anyone help me out? Should I sell the unused Solarix now and buy Baader, or just get on with it?


(8.5mm dob, was going to go full aperture and then have option to also stop down)

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Baader AstroSolar™ film

With AstroSolar™ the Sun appears in its real colour - neutral white. Other films and most glass filters produce a blurry bluish or reddish Solar image, thereby cutting part of the spectrum. Especially with an orange sun, it is very hard to see faculae regions which are visible predominantly in the blue wing of the spectrum.

Due to its neutral colour balance, AstroSolar enables the use of various colour (or interference) filters which allows the observer to concentrate on certain spectral passbands for investigations of different layers within the solar 'atmosphere'.

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As a personal prejudice, I tend to think that the *various* films were probably
designed for some other purpose, rather than solar Astronomy"! It is fortunate
that they happen to work WELL (or passably well) for WL Solar Astronomy? :p

Baader film has a fairly "flat" (white!) transmission so you could use a green
(solar continuum) filter to further enhance the image. This would not work
as well if the Film were limited (i.e. peaked) in the region of Orange light... ;)

I did once try some "Orange" film... I felt it wasn't as good as the Baader.

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