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Crescent to Tulip, a reprocess.


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My original processing job on this data (which I captured with guest Paul Kummer a couple of years ago) had always bugged me. It's hard to get the stars right when you have these incredibly dense Milky Way starfields and not much else going on outside the Ha layer. I've done a few like this recently so had another go. The RGB was stretched initially under a star mask and then given a very bottom heavy lift in curves, so trying to keep the stars down while giving the dust a lift. The Ha was similarly processed for small stars which I then all but removed in star reduction. They ddn't look good by the end of all this but applying the Ha in blend mode lighten to red means that they don't find their way into the red channel anyway, so it doesn't matter.

2 panel mosaic, mostly twin Tak/2x Atik 11000/Mesu, HaOIIIRGB, but with some longer focal length 'nice bits' blended in gently.



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I really like the framing of this - The crescent top left and Tulip bottom right gives you a real sense of separation yet also the middle stuff links them both together....... Nice stars, great colour..... very nice :) 

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Nice image.  Tough to see the hi res areas without the full image mode option (Its there but the image has been down sampled?)--I assume the crescent is one such area--probably the Tulip? 


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