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First efforts at astro imaging


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Having recently got older, to celebrate, amongst other things I got a T ring and adaptor for my Sony alpha 350 DSLR. Tonight was the first shot at using it. Here is the best of the efforts I had at the Moon-



I can see that I will have to practice some to nail down the focus and composition but, this is the best image I have ever managed of the moon.

Any advice greatfully recieved.

Info- Sony a350 DSLR (unmodded). SW Explorer 150P utilising the stock X2 Barlow. ND filter. Exposure length 1/125 sec.

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8 hours ago, Swoop1 said:

Having recently got older...

...this has been happening to me, too.

8 hours ago, Swoop1 said:

...have to practice some to nail down the focus

Yes, I've found that hard too.  Remember, also, that some of the best moon images you'll see are not single shots, but stacks of quite a lot.  This also generally means that many individual shots don't get included in that process.  So this seems to be something where quantity can lead to quality (although garbage in, garbage out, also applies!)

This shot is better than very many of my early ones (and some of my more recent.)

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