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17mm Orion Stratus EP arrived today.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Funnily enough Steve I meant to follow up on this a post and mini-review but forgot. The main thing for me was the price, the FOV and that they are acceptable in a f5 scope.

I knew the first two and it passes the third in my f5 Newt as well. They are sharp right to the edge, with very slight pincushioning but nothing major. It seems very good for the money esp at f5.

The downside is that they are blumming heavy!! About the same as my 2' 30mm! A good point is that you can use the EP's in both 1.25" and 2" format without any swapping and changing.

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Thanks Gaz,

A good buy then :laugh:

Very pleased mate, £50 well spent.

At f5 we're not exactly overrun with options for widefield EPs without selling an arm and a leg, but these are a lot better (and nicer to use, you got to see the entrance to these things, 1.5" across!!) than the Expanse, Ultrawides that I've got.

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