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4th May - HA + WL (Filter Comparison)


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Weather still holding in N.Wales (Until Saturday? lol)
Here's a few from what is now... uhm... yesterday! :p 


Plain WL (No Filter):


Barlowed HA + Barlowed WL (using Solar Continuum):

bha.jpg.e2833be5c8704afbda159c1ddab90ab6.jpg     Barlow_SC2.jpg.864298dc43576b0c5d716d40bac96dbb.jpg

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Now back up to full complement re. (sold/lost) filters! :p
And, since I did this for my own (dubious) benefit? lol

Tried to do a impromptu Baader (WL) Filter "shoot out"!
Many things can vary... my efforts at focussing... the
seeing, so take the results with a large grain of salt?!? ;)

Like all decent experiments, results confirm theory??? :D

Baader Solar Cont is a "Good Thing" re. Barlowed detail?
I think I still prefer plain White Light for FULL Disks? The
SC can blend (my) FD spots to a uniform black blob! :)

First up ND1.8 versus Solar Continuum:

B_ND.jpg.cc8e5e42504fb4c2885969142dab547a.jpg  B_SC.jpg.c7632fc98b19d4f322bea1dd018942fa.jpg

For interest: O(III) and 7nm H-Alpha. The latter does rather well!
I had modest concerns about my "slightly dodgy" O(III) filter. :o

B_O3.jpg.f917f44c515f6e8d6f5070e8305b63c1.jpg  B_HA.jpg.abd8142b790adafdc3fa3b7abd3ac99c.jpg

REPEAT ND1.8 versus Solar Cont (in case seeing etc. changed)

B_ND2.jpg.801dee3a47f2c507b112bfcdf83d6aa5.jpg  B_SC2.jpg.38d1a6e3355cbe06118bc5b6aecc90d5.jpg

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16 minutes ago, Macavity said:

The SC seems to blend the spots to a uniform black blob! :p

Interesting. I use a #58 or #56 green Wratten (poor mans SC) for WL vis and imaging with the Barlow but not with full disk imaging - because it blends the spots to a uniform dark blob. 

Theyre definitely effective for the close ups and the vis though although I've never published comparison for review!!!

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