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Lodestar x2

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Hi there everybody, I am now at the point where I am considering stabbing my self in the eyes with daggers :(

After nearly  3 weeks of playing around with my brand new Lodestar x2 guide camera I am still no further as in getting it to guide. even though I am a very thick person which I am constantly telling you guys ;) I believe I have done most of the things that are required to get it up and running but alas it isn't.

In a nutshell I am using skymap pro 10 for overall control of telescope which is a Celestron cge pro 1100 edge hd with a qsi 683 wsg-8, I am using sequence generator pro for my main imaging control and upto last week I was trying to use the lodestar x2 software to guide, but this last week I have moved over to phd2 but still I am not getting any where, my un-guided images are better than my guided ones (buts that's because the guider isn't guiding), the furthest I can get is "calibration failed" due to "star failed to move".

I have had help off Terry Platt at Starlight express and followed his suggestions etc and various other people but still nothing. I have read somewhere that some one else has had a similar problem with the same setup and that it might be a cable problem or a setting problem between phd2 and the cge pro mount :(

If there is any one out there with the same setup or just some one who can point me in the correct right direction I would be muchly obliged as always :)


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You can check the signal connection between PHD2 and the mount by using the manual guide "move"  buttons in PHD2.

This will at least confirm that the software is capable of talking to your mount.


I use an original Lodestar with PHD2 and CdC/ EQMod to guide and control my NEQ6.

I need to add an Aux mount contact to get the Lodestar to guide properly.....

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If using PHD2 for the first time it is a good idea to run the new profile wizard which I believe uses and calculates settings which have an impact on your calibration step size.  Also it is a good idea to let PHD2 automatically select a star for you.

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There  are usually a few bright pixels on the Loadstar, I've got 4 on mine that look just like stars, if you nudge the scope using the hand controller the real stars will move and the bright pixels won't.

Have you tried playing with the step size ?


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