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NGC7635 & M52


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At last a period of clear sky last night, and the Moon was nice and late coming up. :)

Last nights 'target' was NGC7635 (The Bubble), using the ED80 with a f/6.3 FR inline, I was able to encompass the M52 'Cluster' in the same frame.

ED80 + f/6.3 FR, guided with the Lodestar and 12" LX200R, and 19x300 sec subs with the SXVF-H9C.

Processed in AA4.



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Nice shot Dave.

Great area of the sky!

What guide software are you using?

I'm having a hell of a job getting more than 5 minute subs these days when using PHD and my 14 as the guidescope.....can't figure it at all as I used to be able to do 20 minute subs no problem, and using the LX as the imaging scope, 10 mins isn't a problem :)



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Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated.

Mark, yes the 6.3 is a nice match for the ED80, whereas the 3.3 isn't, when used with the H9C. Ok with a smaller sensor, such as the MX7C size, but the the H9C.

Billy, not its not 'cropped', that is the full FOV of the ED80 with Celestron f/6.3 FR. The FR is at the correct spacing from the CCD, to give something close to the 6.3.

Rob, the image was captured and guided by AA4. You might try reducing the focal length of the 14", with a focal reducer, or reduce the 'aggressiveness' of the guiding.


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Hello Dave,

The 14 is running at around F5 for guiding (I use a 0.5x reducer....probably not actually F5!)

I'll try it with my F3.3 and see if that helps....will check my aggressiveness settings in PHD too.



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Great image! can you see the bubble visually (through a telescope of course :) )? I tried last night with my lightbridge - but judging by your image I was looking slightly to the right of where it is. Great image and excellent to see both objects int he one frame. :(


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