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The Rosette Nebula taken in Cathedral City, CA

I've wanted to image the Rosette nebula for some time now, but with my Celestron 6se telescope it was not really feasible due to the large focal length of the scope. The Rosette nebula is huge! I decided to give it a try with my new Orion ST80, and I could not be happier with how it turned out. It is certainly not a Hubble image, but I did the best I could under light polluted skies, and man does it look beautiful.

5 hours total exposure time
Canon 450d
Orion ST80
Orion Skyglow filter
Celestron AVX mount

Stacked in DSS
Edited it CS6 and LR


rosette neb12new2222.png

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It looks nice. Modding your 450d will make it about 4x more sensitive in such targets. Then again, you are not in the UK like I am, where we rarely have 5 hours straight without clouds, so we have to make every minute count ;) 

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2 hours ago, ecuador said:

It looks nice. Modding your 450d will make it about 4x more sensitive in such targets. Then again, you are not in the UK like I am, where we rarely have 5 hours straight without clouds, so we have to make every minute count ;) 

yeah modding the camera is at the top of my list

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  • 2 years later...

Hiya, very nicely done, how long where your exposures to make that work? And was processing difficult? I'm in 2 minds weather to get a skywatcher ed72 or a startravel102 for imaging, my fear is being able to control chromatic abberation on images with bright stars. Did you shoot many other targets worh your st80? 

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