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Pier project


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After one year of having my pier in my garage I finally decided to get it installed. It was ordered online and when it arrived it was about a foot taller then the eq6 tripod. Presumably the greater height was by design as most surround their pier with decking.

I decided not to use decking and to dig a hole 3 foot deep and 2 foot square-ish (shape of the flags are hexadecimal. This would mean 2 foot deep with concrete and 1 foot space between the concrete and ground level. This would allow me to change the height later if required.

I bought a pack 6 threaded rods from screwfix to set into the concrete and created 2 templates to match the whole on the base of the pier. One template would be used to ensure the bolts would enter the concrete correctly and the other template to ensure the bolts were plumb. My helpers and I used metal plates also from plumb centre to help anchor the bolts in the concrete and some metal  wire to also help keep the bars plumb

The last foot of digging was hard due to limited space so I had to get some help from some little experts.

It took 19 bags of concrete ballast and 2 bags of cement. I waited a week to dry and voila.

The pier now rests on 6 bolts and washers. It took a little while to get the load spread evenly over the bolts. The pier base holes needed a little filing to ensure the pier when down over the bolts too.

It then took another 5 hours sawing wood to fill in the remaining 1 foot cavity so that I wouldn't slip down there when walking around the scope in the dark. Ill remember to by an electric saw next time.

The pier feels very solid and although it will vibrate if knocked the vibration settles down very quickly.

Thanks to the following for your help
Dad who can still dig and saw better then me
3 kids Kristian, Lucas and Sophia who dug a hole like happy Victorians when it became too deep for adults
Karl who helped shovel some concrete, file holes and provide general expert advice.


I hope others find this post useful








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