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Cold - Moisture - USBs - Connection Failures

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Yesterday afternoon I was set up an all ok. Once the evening came, I seemed to run in to no end of connection problems. So I did the usual of switching USB cables, and then one of the ports on the (powered) USB hub appeared not to be functioning. All very frustrating. Today I connected it all up (it was dry from any moisture at this point), and no problem at all with any of the gear. So my best guess is moisture at the USB port connections. The cables I used are pretty good, gold plate Lindy ones (but just because of the gold plate, they still can rust) and it was only really about -2C last night here anyway. So I am going with moisture being the reason, - I have therefore found something called ContraLube 777, which I should be able to add to the USB ends to fend of water. I have also heard of ACF 50 but wasn't so sure this would provide an electrical contact. To be honest USB stuff seems to be the bane of my set up. Anyone else have any good ideas ?




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Hard to say, Alistair. Intermittent problems like that are among the hardest to diagnose. It may be that the connections themselves are OK, but there is internal moisture in your hub(s) that are messing things up.

Is it at all possible to disassemble the powered hub for a look-see? (Mine has tiny Phillips head screws)

Otherwise, all I could suggest is a warm dry place to dry things out, then try bagging the connections with plastic bags to try and keep them dry. Applying things to them can also add an attractant to collect other objectionable goo-catchers into the mix.

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A few nights ago my dslr and guide camera both lost connection with my XP laptop (mains powered, located in warmroom) mid-sequence.

I tried reconnecting,  but all three usb sockets reported " device not recognized".

Restarted laptop, no go.

Next day found that mouse dongle worked in all three ports, but memory stick, dslr, powered hub, all not recognized.

Day after that, after googling, I was going to re-install all the ports, but found all were working normally!!


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3 hours ago, michael8554 said:

A few nights ago my dslr and guide camera both lost connection with my XP laptop (mains powered, located in warmroom) mid-sequence.

I tried reconnecting,  but all three usb sockets reported " device not recognized".

Restarted laptop, no go.

Next day found that mouse dongle worked in all three ports, but memory stick, dslr, powered hub, all not recognized.

Day after that, after googling, I was going to re-install all the ports, but found all were working normally!!


XP? Shock! Horror! (My day job is being an IT Security Analyst)

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