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Coronado Binomite 12x60 Binocular

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I'm sorry if this query has already been discussed- I am a new boy...perhaps as I am coming up to 77, that should be old boy

Has anyone had experience of or its smaller brother?

I am using a Coronado PST and would something portable for white light.


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I have the 10 x 25 binos Have been reasonably pleased with them, have seen sunspots with them, but don't think I will see any flares.

I feel safer with these than with binos with solar film on. IMHO your eye sight is to precious, to take any risk with.

Wish I had gone for the larger pair

phillc :wave:

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We have a pair of the 12x60. Ideal for an eclipse but need a mount. As has been said there are other ways of looking at the sun, or projecting it to show the spots. We tend to use the PST (which should show more if tuned right) and leave the binos in their case mostly.

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Thanks for your replies. I wouldn't feel happy with using a modified pair of bins for solar viewing, so I think I'll take the plunge and get a 12 x 60 pair so that I can use them on my photographic tripod which resides in the boot.

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I wouldn't feel happy with using a modified pair of bins for solar viewing...

Look closely, thats what the binomites are :hello2:

I know what you mean though, it is reassuring to know that a company known for manufacturing safe solar viewing equipment has already fitted the filter :clouds1:

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