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PHD2.6.2 Problem


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I have run PHD2 on my little Lenovo 100s for some time without problems running under W10. The notebook is short on memory which can not me increased and it struggles to deal with a large number of subs taken with SGPro. I decided to use the families Lenovo laptop, a middle of the road i5 machine not lacking in memory, however, running PHD2 on it I continually get the dialogue:

'After 20.0 sec the camera has not completed a 1.0 sec exposure so it has been disconnected to prevent other problems. If you think the hardware is working correctly you can increase the time out period ...................................'

Increasing the time out period makes no difference. All the Advanced Settings are the same between the two compters. I wonder if there are any PHD gurus on the forum who may be able to offer any suggestions. Many thanks - John


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Thanks, the camera does work withSharpCap and I've replaced the driver. One fact that I missed from the previous post is that the notebook is a 32bit Windows machine whereas the laptop is 64bit. I have not got the knowledge to know if that would make a difference. - John

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I guess that, in the light of no further suggestions, I have a unique problem. :hmh: Just one shot in the dark before I give up on the thought of using this laptop. I wonder if anyone is running PHD2 on a Lenovo 300-151SK 80Q7 i5 ? I am coming to the conclusion that the machine does not like PHD or the Toupcam camera or a combination of both having deleted the driver and PHD2 and reloaded both without success.

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I can't be sure but it sounds like a usb problem. It's common with laptops that the usb cable connector isn't tight in the laptop usb socket - worth checking. I have that problem with my Lenovo and got round it by wedging the connector with a small piece of card. 


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Thanks for the response Louise. I have tried all the usb ports and changed the lead to no avail. I've been out to buy a flash drive which I will use with my little s/h Levono 100S for the time being. Why it PHD should work perfectly with that and not its' big brother I don't know but I'm approaching the point of loosing the will to live so I going to leave it alone for now.

Best wishes to you and yours for Christmas - John

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3 minutes ago, Grierson said:

Thanks for the response Louise. I have tried all the usb ports and changed the lead to no avail. I've been out to buy a flash drive which I will use with my little s/h Levono 100S for the time being. Why it PHD should work perfectly with that and not its' big brother I don't know but I'm approaching the point of loosing the will to live so I going to leave it alone for now.

Best wishes to you and yours for Christmas - John

It's unlikely to be PHD2 itself - almost certainly it will be hardware related. The problem I mentioned above applied to all my usb ports on the laptop though my qhy5l-ii only works at all with the usb 2 port.

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I have been fighting the temptation of replacing the Toupcam with the QHY5 which seems to be one of the de facto guiding cameras and it would be a direct replacement using the existing adapter on my finder/guider. However common sense prevails and I WILL sort the issue with the Toupcam - one day! - John

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I run PHD2 as my guiding program on a Toshiba Satellite Laptop, L505D. And my laptop is... gosh, 10-12 years old. Dual Core processer 2.20 Ghz, Windows 10, running 4.00 Gig of RAM, and a 64-bit operating system. Whew! Bla, bla, bla... But not the latest of the greatest computer, and doing a lot for what it is now days. :wink:

I use to have troubles with things, especially my main camera, dropping out and needing the USB plugged out and back in for the camera. A friend suggested I use a Powered USB Hub. Since doing that, there is not a "USB Bottleneck" slowing down anything, and plenty of power for everything USB.

I have come to having my images saved to the powered USB hub to a thumb drive. This was an experiment one evening and it has become wrote for me now. Keeps the lappy happy not straining for power or storage. And cured two of the problems right up. Not to mention my pictures are easily moved from one place to another.

My Laptop was running both some 32 bit, and 64 bit programs, and Windows 7. My desktop (tower) was running Windows 8.10, and 64 bit. When I was offered to upgrade to Windows 10, I did so with both, and settled on 64 bit operating for both. Essentially, I "groomed" both to be the same, for ease of working with both. 64 bit was backwards compatible to 32 bit, but sometimes 32 bit programs wouldn't run for me under the 64 bit. So when upgrading to Windows 10 I tried to eliminate the differences via the software differences. So far, so very good. (I also have both running the same programs for anything Astronomy related)

I chose THIS HUB for my needs because it operates at 12 VDC, and can be powered up with my battery or the mains power adapter it comes with. And for the particular way the leads plug into it so it could mesh with my wiring harness easily. Then there is only the one USB cable coming to my Laptop from it. USB3 is also backwards compatible with USB2 which seems to be so prevalent with Astro equipment still, so there you have it, being upgradable if/when you get a newer laptop. :wink:

I think that adding a Powered USB hub was probably the best thing since getting PHD2 and my guidance working to make things work smoothly. So maybe it isn't your Laptop as much as it is the USB struggling? But I don't think trying a Powered USB Hub can do you any harm. Other than the ding to the wallet for it. :D

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Thanks for the input Sonny. In the light of Louise's and your own comments I have come to the conclusion that the problem lies with the USB porting on the laptop. I have tried to find updated USB drivers but it would appear that the ones that are currently installed are the most up to date. I have also tried connecting through a hub but without success. I don't have an externally powered hub to try but this may be a possibility for the future although investing in one to find that there is still an issue may not be a good idea. :happy11: I have a 'home brew' desktop machine which, as with the little notebook, will allow the camera to connect with PHD2 with no problem. - John

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3 hours ago, Grierson said:

Thanks for the input Sonny. In the light of Louise's and your own comments I have come to the conclusion that the problem lies with the USB porting on the laptop. I have tried to find updated USB drivers but it would appear that the ones that are currently installed are the most up to date. I have also tried connecting through a hub but without success. I don't have an externally powered hub to try but this may be a possibility for the future although investing in one to find that there is still an issue may not be a good idea. :happy11: I have a 'home brew' desktop machine which, as with the little notebook, will allow the camera to connect with PHD2 with no problem. - John

I have a Port Powered USB hub (two in fact) that I used. But by going to the powered one, it takes the strain off of the laptop and its power supply. Plus the performance gain.

But the performance gain and stability was what I was after and found. And a single cable from the powered hub to the laptop, because I do swivel my laptop when doing fine focusing.

Inside, I still use a Port Powered hub to allow multiple USB inputs to a single USB of the laptop. But outside I need a powered hub to deal with the telescopes USB needs. :wink:

Best of luck getting things sorted out. I was tearing my hair out before my friend told me to try a powered hub.

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  • 4 years later...

Probably better to sart a new thread. The title of this one is PHD2.6.2 which is years old now so would not get much attention

Have a look here first: https://openphdguiding.org/getting-help/

The PHD2 support forum is best suited to these sorts of problems as it often requires poring over the debug logs which is not a task for the lay person.

Once you have the camera working then have a read of: https://openphdguiding.org/phd2-best-practices/

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