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The 4am shift.


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Up and out, lovely crescent moon with Jupiter nearby. Poor skies , but a few bits to look at before returning to Jupiter. Straight to the bright cores of M51, over to M94 and a stunning large bright core. Similar view of M63 and M106.Some faint galaxies off the end of Chara, but nothing special.

Halfway between Arcturus and Cor Caroli and there's the bright resolved glow of M3. Just a delight to throw some magnification at this. Over to Leo and just the usual bright two of the Triplet. Plenty sparse galaxies between Vindemiatrix and Denebola. Used to enjoy these when ouf light pollution wasn't too bad, went for M53 and the faint NGC 5053 instead.

Kept returning to Jupiter right up to 7. Bad seeing as over the heat column of the town, but it settled to show the sizes of the moons and details of the polar and thinner belts. At x216 it's quite small, nothing like at a good opposition, but always worthwhile. A good session and a test for the electric trunking / hoseband tube spinner fitted by that star wizard Wookie 1965 (Paul), superb !

clear skies ! 

Old Nick ?



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Nick, 4am I was up and about putting wood in the heating system so my wife don't freeze, she has to be kept at 24 degrees, too warm for a good red wine. Lovely report as ever from yourself. Sadly M51 is a bit low from here at the moment but I am sure at that time it would not be. I really should make an effort to get out early as there is no doubt here that conditions are most of the time better pre-dawn.


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Nice report Nick I was going to set up last night but had cloud as usual never get two nights in a row I was hoping get the 8" out as wanted to try for the trio myself, anyway I will get it out and you have given me some more objects to try out. I`m having some great views with the Frac cannot thank enough for persuading me to get one, must thank Nightfisher for the Tal. Sat on a chair just typing in objects Wednesday night great session wish it was a bit longer.


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