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Sky Safari 5 Pro gives SAO numbers of stars . In addition you can enter an SAO number to get details, sky location, history etc. There are also a lot of other reference details included in this app. It's a most beautiful complete app.

In addition should you wish to guide your scope wirelessly , you'll be free of the limitations that your goto handset has in regard to the SAO catalogue,

old Nick.

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There is this catalogue: SAO-KPNO

But it is just a list of SAO + (RA+Dec) and a few items, equally that may be all the SAO ctalogue is. It is ordered by RA, so the actual SAO numbers are scattered. Should be fairly easy to make a table of it then order by SAO Number.

You would in the simplest form need to Select all (Ctrl A), then copy (Ctrl C) then open a text file and paste (Ctrl V). Then you can play, safer to make 2 copies if you play.

Looking at it I guess it is a list of proper motion (???) and it also provides the spectral class in about half - not sure as all I have looked at are the first few pages. As an aside the Gaia data may well provide better proper motion data if that is the primary reason.

Tne BAA also say that catalogues are available at CDS, but whatever method CDS use to file their catalogues as I cannot locate the SAO one, I suspect that it is there somewhere, so perhaps 10-15 minutes could be useful.

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9 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

I would prefer to have it in text so I can just read it wouldn't know what program to use or how to run .dat files. 

I just downloaded the sao.dat file.  .dat format just stands for data as I understand (& use) it.  Rename it as sao.txt if you want or you can just open it as a plain text file in any text editor (emacs works fine for example).

Line 1 contains:

  1  0 0 5.097-0.0083 4  5.636101885.1+824141.82+0.002 4 41.70121887.1 2699.9 7.2A0 14 101000070    3BD+82  748   2250190    30.00037068 1.44329914 0 241.650-0.0097+825823.52-0.0040.01175552 1.44815553

with the contents described in the Readme file.



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