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Another Photoshop Question - on where to run actions

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Probably another simple question :-)

I import a .tiff and convert to 16 bit as normal. I do a bunch of levels and curves. So my history (looking at the layers tab) is Background | Curves 1 | Levels 1 | Curves 2 | Levels 2.

Now for example I want to use Photoshop's noise reduction. If I simply do this on the latest layer, i.e. Levels 2, and open Filter | Noise | Reduce Noise, then the selection is greyed out, i.e. the action is not valid. If I try the same on the Background layer, then no problem.

Must be some simple concept I am missing here.

Any help much appreciated.



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Untitled.pngI am on the top layer, i.e. curves layer 2. Now I might be slightly incorrect in what I conveyed above. I can indeed select the correct layer, and the option to reduce noise is there via the drop downs, but the image it show is simply a white screen - it almost as if it is doing the action on the layer 'mask'. Now if I flatten the image then no problem, the preview is visible. (this is the very latest version of photoshop)/


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Don't flatten it because then you can't adjust it. Hit shift+ctrl+alt+e to combine all the active layers into one layer on the top (you need to have the top layer selected for this), then run the noise reduction on that layer. You can then just treat it like any other layer with masks, opacity etc.

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