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Mount for solar scope for possible imaging


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*Big groan* ....... My Mum now has a Lunt LS60, but currently no mount. I was all set to get her a Vixen porta mount, but she's come up with some STUPID idea about wanting to take some photographs *gulp* 

Today we set the Lunt up on a camera tripod and it was disappointing - It was almost impossible to find the sun and I hate looking through an eyepiece as all I ever see is damn eyelash shadows...... but I digress. So I want to press the buy button and Helen previously suggested a Celestron Nexstar .... but looks like they only come with a telescope attached. 

Here's what I want ...... something that is easy to set up (preferably no polar alignment and faffing around) and one that will track the sun..... that's it! Sounds like a simple requirement..... so please, good folks of SGL, help me spend my money :D 

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Here's mine on the S' Watcher Star Adventurer, over the stated capacity if I use the double stack so needs the extra counterweight but still works OK for video capture using its solar tracking setting.

Its also a useful mount for other astro photography if she gets the urge :grin:




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