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Last nights collection with new toy


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I've had a chance to roughly process the images I took last night with my new Atik.

All are 60s exposures but I'm not sure how many subs were actually stacked as I was so excited at the results that I forgot to look! I can't wait to start guiding. In fact, I'm now off to make a piggyback bracket for the ST80.





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I can understand your excitement Steve, those are splendid images for a first attempt with the Atik.

You can look foreward to some great work in future, the signs are very good indeed.

These Atik are most popular cameras, I haven't heard a bad word about them.

Well done mate, but please try to remember the details next time. :laughing2:

Ron. :D

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Thanks guys. I did wonder, beforeI bought the Atik, whether paying 10 times more than the price of a webcam would get you 10 times better images. I needn't have been concerned, it's well worth the price.

I've now piggybacked the ST80 onto the Explorer...so here we go!


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