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daylit and nighttime moon 09-10-16


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Lovely clear skies this afternoon and this evening so got one of each and a high res down the terminator with the 2.5x barlow.

Had a beggar of a time processing the daylit moon, brain stopped working but I got there in the end, thanks for the screenshots Charl :thumbright:

no darks or flats on the hi res and it shows at fully full size. Also the 3 panes aren't fully blended for levels etc but I'm pleased enough for a quickie.  Rupes Recta stands out nicely which goes along with the visual views I had too.

A very pleasant PM it was too :)


daylit moon 09-10.png

Inverted daylit

daylit moon 09-10 invert.png


55% moon 09-10.png

Inverted nighttime

55% moon 09-10 Invert.png

Hi res terminator (clicky for full size)

terminator 09-10.png

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