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Focusing a Skywatcher 200p with a Fuji X-M1 atached via t-mount

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Evening all,

First post, *waves from Todmorden*

I have a Skywatcher 200p Dobsonian and a t-mount adapter for my APSC sensor camera (mirrorless Fuji X-M1) but I am unable to achieve focus.

There is an extension tube but the focus needs to be closer not further away, what am I doing wrong?



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Hi. Remove the extension. If still no focus, loosen the screws holding the mirror half a turn at a time. If still no go, remove the mirror and place a piece of 3mm plywood between it and the cell. Then two pieces of plywood etc. etc. HTH

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Hi Guys,

I obviously removed the extension tube, I know I'm new to this but not that new :p

I'll give the barlow a try before I start modding my telescope.

I got the image below by holding the camera with one hand and pressing the shutter with the other, this is mainly noise but the best image I have so far!



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The 1.25" adaptor unscrews in half to reveal a t thread. Attach the camera to that and it should reach focus. Using a Barlow to move the focus point out is a good idea if you are wanting to photograph the moon and planets. But it will make tracking more difficult since you are using a Dob.

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