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Messier 27


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Messier 27 

Right ascension : 19h 59m 36.34s

Declination : +22° 43' 16.09"

Apparent mag : 7.5

Apparent dimensions : 8".0 X 5'.6

Constellation : Vulpecula


The Dumbell Nebula also know as 'Apple Core' nebula or NGC 6853. Is planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula, at distance of obout 1,360 light - years. 

This object was the first planetary nebula to be discovered by Charles Messier in 1764  (Wikipedia)


Dob S/W 10 inches F.L.1200/f4.7 

T/S 30mm 2 inches F.O.V.70°



Thanks for looking 






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