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Finally, on Friday at Seething managed to see M72 in my 3" Tak - that glob is the faintest and smallest I think I've seen; it's tiny. 

How on earth you are expected to find that in twilight for the start of the Messier Marathon? 

Just to the east of and slightly "up" is the Saturn Nebula (NGC 7009) - well worth tracking down, definitely a planetary nebula, but lots of "averted imagination" to see the resemblance to Saturn!




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Well done. :) Always nice to see a new object. I bagged the Cats Eye nebula in Draco the other night, and did it shine brightly for an 8th magnitude object! I'll see what iM72 looks like in my Startravel 125mm or my Starwave 102mm  fracs when I get the next chance, which at the earliest won't be until next Friday/Saturday night with work commitments alas.

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Good hunting, I like the Cat's Eye Nebula, had no trouble finding it it last year, but this time was tougher. Think I forget where half the faint stuff is and have to re-learn each season!


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It is faint! So far the faintest Messier glob / blob I have seen is M55 though! It is low from the UK. I only managed to see it from Italy with a 8", despite the fact that the sky was light polluted. M74 is another very tough messier to me.

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Congrats on getting M55 Piero. Think a trip further South is needed to get to see all of the objects in Sagittarius, finding the Lagoon and Triffid this year was enough, but there is so much more to observe.


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