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VERY small Windfall to spend

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I've awindfall of £600 to spend on more gear 


Mount - way over this budget, unless there's an upgrade I can get for the CGEM -DX, although with the light weight kit I have probably not necessary anyway.

Lenses - am imager not observer

Camera - use DLSR (Canon 700d or 70D), toupek mono for guide cam, also have the colour but not tried for imaging yet, a QHY6. It's no where near enough for a decent cooled CCD

OTAs - have 200P-DS, C8 CLT, Star traveler 80 for guiding

other: Crawford for the C8, manual filter wheel, basic RGB filters, star watcher focus motors to fit to ST80 & newt

so, what do I do with this?

Mod the 700D? USB filter wheel? 


take SHMBO to dinner as it's just not enough  for this hobby?



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6 hours ago, Tiny Small said:

That's almost all the way to an ASI178MM-Cool. Perfect match image scale wise to your 80 mm scope. Waaaay more sensitive than a DSLR and has set point cooling.


true - however, the 80mm is my guide scope, the optics of the Star Traveler aren't up to that much :( Waiting for the lottery win to get a decent ED 

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8 hours ago, geordie85 said:

You could always buy an Astro modded DSLR from one of the many dealers out there and keep your 700d for regular photography 

I have a 70d as well, hence suggesting modding rather than buying - a mod can be done for £75, and add  + £60 for bader filter.

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3 hours ago, iapa said:

I have a 70d as well, hence suggesting modding rather than buying - a mod can be done for £75, and add  + £60 for bader filter.

In that case you could get the mod done then save the rest, add to it and go with tiny small's suggestion 

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57 minutes ago, Astro Imp said:

As you seem undecided I could easily spend that for you and save you the worry :icon_biggrin:

Thanks - I really appreciate that offer, and if I am unable to resolve this, you can be sure that I will take you up on that.



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