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Milky way re process what a difference

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  • 2 months later...

Just found this & thought I would comment.  There is a big difference you can make to the MW, the only thing I would suggest is that when working with sharpening and structure you do not need to add it to the whole image, so in your shot the foreground/land really does not benefit from the added detail. It is possibly slightly easier to do in Photoshop where you can apply the additional detail to a new layer, you can then use run out the bits you do not want enhanced.  A great set of plug ins for LR/PS is Nik Google and they are currently free - you can use the Viveza to do the sharpening, you can the use Dfine to further reduce the noise.

A couple of screen shots from a presentation I have given to camera clubs...

This is the Viveza module, here I am adding a lot of structure to the image, in the background you can see the before & after.


This is the impact of the filter on the whole image, however the adjustment has been put on a new layer...


With layers you can remove/add what you want to see, you can also change the opacity - the big trick is to over cook, then tone back with opacity...


This is the final image, so good enhancement to the MW a lot less on the foreground...


Different picture, but was used to show Dfine or the noise reduction, you can see the before & after either side of the line - my normal work flow would be to use Viveza as above, then run the whole image through Dfine - hope this helps




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