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Pacman - Monitor Calibration Test


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I have built a new PC for processing and am very pleased with the speed now.  Thanks to @Gina for inspriring me to do this (in her recent thread).

The new monitor is a little finicky and I am not sure I have it correctly colour balanced.  Photoshop and PI look OK, but when I upload to my iCloud Pictures then the image looks awfully garish.  

This is a test image.  Does this look red and neon on screen?




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I've got some fancy Dell thingamabob.  It has different presets for different applications, but I have set them all to be the same.  What makes no sense to me is that the photo looks significantly different  in Photoshop than it does in PixInsight.  And the difference is even more marked in Chrome and Explorer.  I didn't have these issues with my old set up.  I tried calibrating with my old Spyder 2, but, if anything, that made matters worse.  

In PS on my monitor everything is quite orange with no real fierceness of red.  On this page the image is scarlet in the right to lower right outer quadrant of the image.  On my iPad it looks sort of somewhere between the two.  It is all very confusing and frustrating.  Incidentally, Gina the computer build itself went fairly well.

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I just dowloaded your picture and opened it in 'Photos', Paint, PS, and it looks identical in all apps. You can try to downlad it yourself and see if it's true for you too.

If you are opening a higres version in PS, then in Chrome, and so on, there might be som compression or 'conversion' happening? Perhaps?

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OK - this is fascinating.  When I clicked on my image at the top of this thread, the colour changed significantly to match exactly what I have in photoshop.  Same thing for the full size view.  However, when I come back to the webpage it is bright red again!

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3 minutes ago, Magnus_e said:

Try downloading it and open it in Chrome and Explorer by dragging the image to the url field of a new tab. Or entering file:///C:/Users/you/folder/file . What do you get then?


I get my 'Photoshop-identical' image - the non-red one.  To be clear the tone of the Pacman in Photoshop on my screen is various shades of salmon - none of it is really red except perhaps a small section on the outer right portion..

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I did a quick image search of the packman neb and few of the images have a real deep red... They seam to lean up aganst a lighter color?

This one i found looks similar in color as yuors. But dont tink it's salamon? Is this similar in colour as your own on your monitor? Perhaps slightly more red in the saturated edge?


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Weird.  The image you linked to looked quite red - similar to what I see in the image at the top of the screen.  I downloaded this and opened it in PS - it was identical in both applications.  My PS Pacman does not look anything like as red as that image.   And when I click on the image in this thread to get an expanded view, it changes to match what I have in PS.  The original image was a PNG.  This is a JPEG.  Original was also set to 1800 pixels along the long end.  I wonder if a size change would make any difference.  But JPEG first....



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4 minutes ago, Magnus_e said:

This looks identical to me!?

Interesting.  I did a Ctrl-PrtScrn and there is a marked difference.  Please tell me that these two look different...  and if so what are people seeing - an image that looks like the JPEG or the PNG?


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Your PNG loks like a very saturated pink, the jpeg looks a loot paler, on the pink side, or salamon. The jpeg looks more like what i'm seeng only paler (background too) and more pink.

Starting to wonder if i have calibrated correctly, but for me it looks the same in post, expanded, new tab, dowlodaed in firefox, in paint, ps, aso...

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OK - on my monitor both the first and second images look identical other than in the labelling.  On my iPad, however, the top image (which was a .PNG) shows left and right images looking different - right hand image bright red.  In the labelled image (which was a JPEG) , both images on my iPad look identical - I repeat, on my monitor the labelled and unlabelled images are identical - they both show red in the right image.  How does that make any sense?

EDIT: Ignore the above - I became confused and mixed up Magnus's composite with mine.

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5 minutes ago, Magnus_e said:

The post i added with the side by side images, is how the jpeg and png looks to me in the post.


Jings!!!  I am going to have some alcohol whilst I contemplate the meaning of all of this. 

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I just tought a bout a possibility. You are seeing different wersions in this thread bot I dont. As you see them different in PS, and Pix there can be som kind of setting with color spase, or similar in the apps.

As you uploaded the images you [might!] still be viewing the chaced version that you uploaded, but I'm seeng the version served by sgl. If you try to delete your cache for stargazerslounge.com in Chrome, you will defenetly see the version served by sgl.

Clearing chache in Chrome is explained here http://superuser.com/a/444881

Perhaps a long shot, but worth a try?

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