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Why setup an LX200 pointing due south?

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Hi, I've been toying with the idea of a bigger AZ goto compound scope as I like the format of my Celestron 4SE so much. I'm not in the position to stretch to an Evolution 8 or CPC so I've been checking out the Classic Meade LX200's and LX90's as a more affordable alternative. One thing I noticed in a Youtube vid for an LX200 is that the guy seemed insistent about setting up the scope pointing due south? I haven't done this with my 4SE scope so far and it has worked fine, so I'm just wondering what this is about? is this an AZ got thing?.

Also, does anyone have any general thoughts on these classic AZ goto's. I may just upgrade my CG5 to goto but I've found my AZ more convenient to setup and comfortable to use.

The scope will be housed in a 5'x3' shed/obsy I've ordered so also need to know if it will fit?

Maybe a goto Dob would be a better idea apart from it would reduce the angle I can view at over the garage and trees.

I have more questions but don't want to overload the post more than I've done so far so will stop there.


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Just checked and he's in West Texas.

Also read in the comments that the LX200 has an 18v power supply which might prove tricky? ENS have an LX200 8" for  £850, and did have a couple of LX90's that sold for £800, so less than half the price of a new Celestron, but could be double the risk.


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37 minutes ago, garryblueboy said:

I had the LX90 8" GPS a few years back it was great easy set up it finds north levels then you do the star align tracked spot on seen few of them go for around the £750 ish Mark 

That sounds perfect :)

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33 minutes ago, FenlandPaul said:

I used to pine after an LX200 when I was younger and they were plastered over BC&F's back cover adverts in Astronomy Now.  Good luck with your purchase!  

I share your nostalgia Paul :) I have fond memories using really big 16" LX200's at Uni back in the day. Something like a 8 or 10' lx200 or lx90 would be lovely if it will fit in the 3' deep shed? that's probably the next question I need to find out.  

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Not sure if the LX200 Classic is the same as the GPS models, but the GPS in Alt/Az mode you set up the BASE with the panel pointing South, for Polar on a wedge you set the base with the panel pointing North.

In both cases the OTA points North.

Maybe that's the reference to South in the vid.

If you're buying a Classic, google how to replace certain capacitors in the base that are prone to pop with old age.


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The scope pointing North in both cases makes sense thanks Michael :) No idea why you would have the base south for one mode and north for another, at a guess it's something to do with the wedge?

 Also thanks for tip regarding capacitors in the base, reliability is a worry with the classics, I know ENS carry quite a few spares HC's, motherboards, and motors for the LX200 but it would be good to get to the source of the problem at the component level. The LX90 might be more reliable because more electronics are in the HC which is easily replaced. I've had to do this with an NEQ6 before now so I know it's not just limited to very old mounts, they are all Russian roulette from time to time.

Actually could you do me a massive favour if you get the chance, Micheal? I'm going to build a base with wheels so I can slide one of these scopes in and out of a double door shed with a touch of modifying. Could you kindly measure  how far apart the legs are at say mid extension of the tripod, just to give me some idea of how big the trolley base needs to be? 

The shed I'm getting is only 3' deep so it might not be even wide enough for an LX200 tripod!

No worries if not, It would just save me putting a shout out :)

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15 minutes ago, michael8554 said:

No problem Chris, I'll get my tripod out tomorrow (pier mounted at the mo')


Brilliant, thank you!:) instead of having the tripod mid way up could you measure at the lowest level instead please? It's so I can work out what the smallest trolley base I can get away with is as I think it's going to be a tight fit in the shed!

Thanks again, you'll be answering a make or break question so it's much appreciated :) 

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Okay Chris, 

With the legs retracted to their shortest length, they form a triangle with 36" sides, base to apex is 30".

If you're leaving it on the trolley you might get away with a smaller triangle, so long as you lock the feet, against some stops, with the spreader, and watch out for overbalancing.

Regarding a 3ft shed, I would guess the door is only 27-30" wide?

My wife and I used to carry the tripod with OTA attached a few feet from some decking outside the house, over a threshold, and into the house.


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Thanks so much Michael, that's excellent :) Top man!!

The shed is 33" deep so probably more like 32" on the inside so might just about be ok. For easy access I ordered the double door version which is 44" wide, so no worries there :)


I think it's game on! I'll start the money drive for a Meade lx90/lx200 !:)


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That looks great Chris,

Just read the other post, lots of suggestions there, but the easiest is to get your wife to come out at 03:00 and help you lift it a couple of feet into the shed........yeah right :->

Notice you have a CG5, thought of just getting an OTA for it?


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Hehe yeah I sense that wouldn't go down too well -_- :icon_eek: :boxing: 

I COULD keep the CG5 and just get an 8-10" SCT, that would be cheaper. There are a few reasons why not though -firstly, I'm really bad at maneuvering non Goto EQ mounts around the sky, I'm not too bad with refractors but I was hopeless with my 200p last time out with it (I have no idea why I find the 200p more tricky?). I would like the mount to track the object, and I've been impressed with my 4SE so I'm really liking AZ goto mounts - they seem quite easy to setup (no polar alligning each session, or funny eyepiece angles).

The CG5 does carry quite a load so it's not out the question to use it if it doesn't sell :)

Or maybe a Goto EQ mount would be a good compromise as it does allow different OTA's to be used at least. Nothings set stone I guess.


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I have a 10"LX200R that was superb for visual on tricky little things and Solar System objects when mounted on a tripod in Alt Az, superb GOTO spot on every time.

Came with electronic microfocuser, bit of a necessity IMHO.

 Legs fully in are 33" apart and it's 31" high so you may need to make a hole in the back of the shed to stick one leg through :)

Put it on a wedge for imaging and it needed to be permanently mounted to be any good and the GOTO wasn't as accurate any more.


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Hi Micheal, thanks for the thought :) I spotted that last night, I know the guy selling it even and he only lives an hour away. My initial thought was is this 8" SCt made during the Halley era? when optical figuring suffered as they tried to get scopes out the door quick. I've been meaning to Google the era for the LX55, it might be on rod's buyers guide pdf.

It is a thought and did get the cogs turning, and it would be nice to see John again. I would need a goto mount for it though.  


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