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Experiences with AWR/SiTech controllers?


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So, my Gemini controller has died on my Titan - looks like a faulty SRAM chip again, and this time I'm not sure if Losmandy have the parts for repair (they did it a couple of years back). This leaves me with a bit of a choice here - I can trade in the defective Gemini 1 for a Gemini 2, or I could look elsewhere. 

AWR Technologies offer their GOTO controller which apparently can be retrofitted back onto the Titan using belt reduction - this is one alternative option to the Gemini 2. SiTech is another alternative. Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences with the AWR/Sitech systems, comparing to the Gemini 1/2 systems?

I like the Gemini 1 - find it easy to use, and unlike many, easy to setup (though it sits in an observatory so it's a one off) - I'd like something with similar capabilities, the onboard mount modelling is good, and the ASCOM driver is a must as I use it for imaging (and plate solving with astrotortilla, etc). 

Any thoughts much appreciated!

Cheers, Graeme

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