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Ts Binoviewers


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i have considered Binoviewing for sometime as the views you get with two eye's always seem that more in depth with the viewing experience and also I feel from a mind point of view, you are more shut out from the surroundings and therefore are as one with your image. I have used standard binoculars before and have always enjoyed the experience but sometimes the stability issue and certainly the magnification limitations seem to hold back the experience. And since getting a quality refractor such as the sw equinox 120ed apo on an AZ4 mount then my interest has grown into a possibility of a binoviewing experience. Recently Derek had some TS Binoviewers come up for sale(Stu former ones) so this certainly got my interest. So after a communication or two I decided to purchase the TS Binoviewers to enter the Binos experience.

After a few days a package arrived and it was opened. The Binos come in a small aluminium type flight case for protection. Inside they are inserted in foam padding to help with security. On picking the Binos up I first noticed the weight , a nice firm solid type of weight which felt like you get from a well made product. The outside of the Binos is in like a soft grip type plastic which is a solid feel in the hand but at the same time gripped securely in the fingers,which give you the conference that they are not going to slip out of your hand easily. On the one end of the Binos you have the eyepiece holders which have bank plugs in them. On the other end is a chrome male 1.25 adapter that also have a protection plug on it. Therefore my initial impression was a nicely built and put together Binos. The next part of the puzzle to use my new toy was eyepieces. Unfortunately as a Cyclops chap I only had single eyepieces. I did consider trying to double up on some of my Televue eyepieces, but rather expensive considering the recent price hike.So initially it was suggested that I try some cheaper options. After some  help from Derek I have managed to get some a 25mm and 10mm pair of Sw to try with my binoviewing.

I do like to test new kit in the daytime if possible at first as it helps get familiar with the items and therefore  saves with costly mistakes or accidents. So the AZ4 with the 120apo was set up. Initially I have tried the Binos with the straight through approach, putting them directly into the 1.25 connector in the focus tube. Then a pair of 25mm eyepieces where put into the securing rings into the Binos. The Binos are adjustable to get the eye spacing correct for your eye position so a bit of movement was needed to set this correctly for myself. Then the moment of truth, how would they work and would they even reach focus in a straight through attempt?.  I positioned the scope towards a tree in a field across the neighbours. Eyes on the eyepieces started to adjust the focuser, then from a blur an green and brown image slowly came into view and then focus. The first hurdle was over the Binos where performing and reaching focus and to my surprise the 25mm in the Binos seem to be putting up a  good image. I then tried the 10mm again I could reach focus and not a bad image at all. So the daytime straight through test had been a success.

That evening the sky's were clear and the moon was out. An ideal time to try the binoviewing set up. The equinox was put on the az4 in a southern direction. At around 10.30 at night the moon was now visible through the neighbouring trees. The 25mm eyepieces were put into the Binos . The scope was pointed towards the moon and I looked through the eyepieces. A big white blur met me on my first look. Then I  adjusted the focuser and then that big white blur very slowly became more and more clear until a sharp moon was big and full in the Binos showing considerable detail. There was a slight atmosphere shudder at times but overall a very good image and view. The image was sharp and crisp no light interference and it was clear to me this was the best overall views I have had of the moon, even standard binoculars that I have used have never provided such a high power and crisp sharp view without light interference. And Cyclops view had never drawn me into the lunar landscape so much. I then placed the 10mm eyepieces in . Again the views were great with a bit more atmosphere shudder present this time. The flat seas of the moon were clear and the numerous valleys and craters were showing with very good performance. Overall a very good night seeing experience and the Binoviewers had take the refractor experience to a different and very enjoyable level. The TS Binoviewers build quality was good and the viewing experience was good. Certainly worth a step into binoviewing world and this little set up did not cost me a fortune either which is always a bonus. The next step is to try through a diagonal.  I hope the above help☺








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straight through certainly works if you cant reach focus with your diagonal.As Stu mentioned,barlow will work with your set up if you cant reach focus "as it is" with your diagonal.also a nice prism would work better then a mirror diagonal (shorter light pass) and might cure that issue.I doubt TS binos will accept GPS from baader as they are built differently.I might be wrong.

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