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M22 with Luminance


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OK, I lost this bet with Tom! I thought there would be no need for luminance on this starfield shot. We had two hours per colour but your man went for 7x10 luminance as well and he was right. There's a bit more dynamic range, it goes a bit deeeper, you can see hints of dust lanes in the backgound.  It has to be said, Luminance is wonderful stuff... This is Tom's capture and my processing here. Click on the image and there should be a button for a larger format in the lower left.


All subs 10 mins, total exposure 7 Hrs 10 mins, TEC 140 Triplet, Atik 11000, Avalon Linear.

Olly and Tom.

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Nice work Olly and tom - good structural detail and depth to the main cluster though i do also like the little cluster at lower left creates a nice framing for the image (assume that was not by chance so well done on that too). Lum is always good to see the to add for stars and seeing the other structures in the star field such as the dust.  Trick is finding the right amount to apply and this looks just about right.

Well done - Paddy

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2 hours ago, swag72 said:

You and Tom have done this proud. I like the processing, it looks very natural indeed and the star colours are nice.... In my opinion they seem to be better in the TEC than they do with your Taks.

It's an easier target for an optician, Sara. The long wavelength red stars are easy to colour correct. Not so the hot blue stars in the opposite side of the Milky Way. I did a fair bit of shennagins to bolster the few little blue devils in this one!


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52 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

Phew that is an intense starfield!

I trust you have carefully identified and catalogued ever star in that shot :-)

If you are so trusting (a charming personal quality) you might care to buy my formula for turning Macdonald's buns into gold for the very reasonabe sum of....


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