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Dragging more out of White Light?


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I am always impressed by the White Light images here.
With limited experience, I sense the efforts involved! :D

Reading a bit more on the possibilities, one is still left
with the impression that Photosphere and "lower level"
Chromosphere is best left to dedicated CaK scopes?

But hope springs eternal for a low budget (basic) FILTER solution!
I know, I know... lol. But has anyone recently tried the Baader
"double stacked" CaK (also now DS continuum too!) filters?
Or are such things still in the realm of over-optimism? :p

I sense "(DS) CaK" > "CaK" > "Continuum" > Wratten #58 etc.
Maybe I'll have to *try* a DS CaK filter - Even if it shows only
"global features". Get it out of my system once and for all! :D

P.S. My "inner ex-Physicist" still want to try "background
subtraction"... And if anyone else is up for a challenge...
I sense results are not always aesthetic! ;)

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I use a Lunt Ca-K module which really produces the goods reliably. The Baader Ca-K filter has a much wider pass-band, and although it can show some details, I am not at all sure how good it is, even double stacked. I have seen a cheaper Ca-K filters by Omega Bob, but have heard very varying reports of their quality

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Thanks Both! :)

At the moment I'm veering towards the Solar Wedge as the most useful
"fundamental" upgrade. As ever, my "very last"... (LOL - Eh readers?) :p
I sense a solar wedge might contribute to an overall ease of operation.

Maybe at some stage a genuine CaK module. (More thought / dosh?) ;)

I must confess to a slight "Filter Fetish" - Never sure whether this has
lead to enlightenment... But always interested to hear of experiences!

I think one has to be a bit wary of "filter publicity". Sometimes images
might not reflect the exact setup used? (+ Genuine confusion too!) :D

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8 hours ago, michaelmorris said:

If you are imaging a very simple upgrade is to add a green filter into the train.  This can help make granulation much more prominent in the image.

I was amazed the first time I used a green filter for my white light images. It really makes a huge difference. I was using a oiii filter, but switched to a no58 green filter. As soon as I swapped I could tell by the fact I couldn't see an image with the same settings used for the oiii filter there was a large difference. The detail in the Penumbra/umbra was hugely enhanced as was the overall surface detail.

I guess the next step would maybe be a wedge or continuum filter.

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