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North America with Atlantic and Pacific!


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Well, it's done, or nearly, though we want to reshoot some RGB for the two left hand panels because what we had needed too much bullying. :evil4: I'll probably settle for this version but the idea is to do a rebuild from linear at some time. This was taken with regular guest Paul over several nights last week and with Fordos Moon for the central part last year.

So 6 panels using the dual Tak 106Ns on Mesu 200 with Atik 11000 (colour) and SXVH36 (RGB.) I've lost count because we added old data as well but this will be over 60 hours' worth.

As well as NGC7000 and the Pelican we have, on the left, SH2-119 which we have left at about the right relative brightness. It's faint. We've really enjoyed the dudty features. For reference that's Deneb on the top edge.

Click on the image and look for the bottom left button for a larger one about a third of full size.



PS 6 panels, HaRGB.


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Fantastic Olly! I have just come in from obs the area in great skies, so on the very left hand side of your image is a really large neb- is this Sh2-119? I was just looking at it in my 10"/OIII.

What depth and detail in this image!

Many Kudos to you guys :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, jetstream said:

Fantastic Olly! I have just come in from obs the area in great skies, so on the very left hand side of your image is a really large neb- is this Sh2-119? I was just looking at it in my 10"/OIII.

What depth and detail in this image!

Many Kudos to you guys :thumbsup:

Yes, that's it, Gerry. We could, if making a feature of just that object, have rendered it brighter than this but it's actually far fainter than the NAN and Pelican so we wanted to respect this fact in the mosaic.


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